Helldorado Days, Tombstone, AZ

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Helldorado Days, Tombstone, AZ.  A youthful participate gets ready to celebrate. From the Helldorado series.

Posted in AZ Helldorado Days, Leica M 240 Tagged |

Traverse City Michigan

A young carnival barker getting ready for the day.


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Posted in Leica M 240, Traverse City Michigan

Elk Rapids. MI Porch

Porch from Elk Rapids, Mi. This home sits close to Lake Michigan. One can only wonder how good the breeze feels coming off the lake.


Posted in Leica M 240, Midwestern Porch

The Midwestern Porch

The Midwestern porch is a thing of beauty. Beautifully sculptured posts, railings and other decorum add to the beauty of these structures. I have decided to work on a project photographing these porches in Northern Michigan. Taking 3 cities, Traverse City, Charlevoix, and Petosky, Michigan. These three cities have a rich heritage of the most ornate porches. Many summer homes can be found in these cities dating back 125 years. Sitting on the porch, in the summertime was a relaxing way to spend an evening. The porches of these three cities  capture those moments in time when you can reflect back to a far simpler era. No TV’s, the internet, or Xbox 360 games to obscure those beautiful tranquil moments.

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Posted in Midwestern Porch

Which way?

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Spotted this interesting door sign in Traverse City, MI. It was posted on a bar door,,maybe to confuse the patrons.

Posted in Uncategorized

Michael Jackson

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March 11, 2014

Michael Jackson a resident of El Rito New Mexico. I saw Michael while I was filming a video for Michael David Kennedy. Michael ran a store in town, if you can call it a town. It had about 4 structures and about 15 people in the town.  Michael had lived in the town most of his life. The past 22 years he had been running the general store. He was a good friend of Michael David Kennedy. He also did odd jobs around Michael’s house.

Posted in Uncategorized

HWY 77 Project

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Mammoth, San Manuel, Hayden, AZ

These once proud mining towns are gradually falling into decay. They are located along HWY 77 running north from Tucson. Many years ago I decided to photograph the decay in these towns. However, I could never get my head around how to do the project. That finally has happened. Gradually, as the project develops I will have a page on my web site.

Posted in HWY 77 Project, Leica M 240 Tagged |

Paris 2013…Hmmm

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Boys will be boys. Not sure what’s in the container, I thought it was a good shot of the unexpected on Paris streets.

Posted in Leica M9, Paris 2013, Photographic Destinations, Street Photography, Uncategorized

Paris 2013

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I had spotted this image sometime ago, but failed to do anything with it. It didn’t quite fit another street shots. But it does ask a question, what was this guy looking at. I didn’t see any construction, so what was it. The shot is sort of mysterious.

Posted in Leica M 240, Paris 2013

Mercado, Tucson AZ

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While visiting the Mercado in Tucson I saw this boy extending his hand for assistance. I immediately thought of how many times,  children have used the same gesture.

Posted in Street Photography, Uncategorized